Amerikaaustausch 2008

Besuch unserer SchülerInnen in Amerika

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Bericht von Anna Richter (10a) über ihre Eindrücke vom Amerika-Austausch 2008 erschienen in der Zeitschrift der D.C. Everest Senior High School in Wisconsin "The Jet":

German students like U.S.

Anna Richter, who visited D.C. Everest Senior High School in April along with several other students from Germany, was kind enough to submit this response detailing her experience here in the United States and at our school.

The Jet extends its gratitude to her for taking the time to share.

As we arrived in New York City on March 21st, we all had lots of different expectations for the coming three weeks. After four eventful and impressive days, and after collecting so many impressions in a fascinating city, seeing the most popular attractions and learning quite a lot about the American lifestyle, we had to leave the metropolis.

That meant saying goodbye to a city of the superlatives, to a city that never sleeps, a city where so many diffe rent people live and to a city with lots of facets.

Still overwhelmed by so many impressions, we flew to Wisconsin. Everybody was a bit tense and nervous because of the meeting with his or her host family. Nobody really knew what we should expect.

But after we landed in Wausau and were cordial­ly received by our exchange partners, our exertion diminished. In the evening, we met at the Welcome Dinner, and the parents also welcomed us and nearly everybody felt himself or herself at home. The Americans were very interested in us and asked lots of questions.

Fortunately, the American students had Spring Break. In this time we got to know, thanks to our hosts, not only lots of attractions in Wisconsin and the surrounding area, but especially the hospitality and the helpfulness of Americans. The parents of our exchange partners helped us whenever we had some problems and did everything so we felt comfortable. Some of us were invited to the cottages of their families. Others were allowed to spend the night at an aunt's house with ten people. We also fell the incredible friendliness of the Americans day after day. NO matter where we went, everybody asked us how we were doing. And when the people noticed that we were from a foreign country, they were interested in us, asked lots of questions and wanted to learn somethin about us.

After one pretty cool week, we got to know our exchange partners better and the American way of life. Then the school began again. Almost everyone was curious about the high school, the students and the teachers. After the first day, we collected so man new impressions. We realized lots of differences between the classrooms here and the ones in Germany. Wondering about the great equipment in the classrooms and the well-equipped teachers' desks, we noticed also the American flag, which hangs in every classroom.

The patriotism of the Americans to their own country is also something we found quite interesting. For us Germans, it's difficult to say that we are proud of our country and stand behind it. So it was absorbing to see when the students stood up to speak the Pledge of Allegiance. We were also impressed when we visited the baseball game in Milwaukee, and the whole stadium sang the national hymn and the patriotic song "God Bless America."

After three weeks, we could say that we learned a lot about the American lifestyle, the Americans and the way they think about their country. We got to know the helpfulness, the hospitality and the openness of the people here. It was for everyone an impressive and exciting time, which nobody will forget.

zur Übersicht Austausch USA